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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  ABC  September 10, 2016 11:30pm-12:31am CDT

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anchor: things got a little saucy on the east side this afternoon. you're looking at video from the annual tomato romp. it's a fundraiser to fight hunger. for $10 a piece, people pelted each other with a pounds of thousand inedible tomatoes which were donated for the event. looks messy. international kite festival continues tomorrow in veteran's park. and you can watch professional kite-flying teams perform, or launch your own. tomorrow at 2:00, kaplin university will give away 100 free kites to children. that event ends at 6:00. indian summer festival is also this weekend at henry maier festival park, filled with pow wows, storytelling, artists, food and plenty of dancing and music. starting tomorrow at 11:00, veterans, military, police,
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new on wisn 12. starting the school year off right. anchor: children at the boys and girls club near the sherman park neighborhood got some all-star visitors today. players from marquette university's basketball team stopped by to shoot some hoops and hand out school supplies. two former golden eagles helped organize the outreach rob jackson and travis diener. they say now, more than ever, it's important to lead by example. >> with the boys and girls club we got a lot of positive things going on in the neighborhood a we are redirecting the kids and making sure they have somewhere positive and safe to go >> for us to give back and try to have a positive influence on these kids because they are the future is what we're trying to do. anchor: jackson has been working with the boys and girls club for 8 years. a former packers star returns to wisconsin. anchor: donald driver is in town tonight for a fundraiser. the 21st annual croquet ball benefits the penfield children's center. the center helps children with
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disabilities and helps them thrive through early education and services for families. i asked driver about his message to the audience tonight, and here's what he told me. >> we've all had our ups and downs but we all overcame it to be where we are today. and everyone in that room are successful individuals and now we have to give those children the opportunity to be successful. anchor: you will remember, driver retired from the nfl in 2012 after spending his entire career with the packers. he told me he enjoys coming back to wisconsin because it is like home for him. anchor: those that wanted to enjoy the outdoors today didn't get a chance. but the sun came out? anchor: tomorrow, very consistent. you don't need to worry about checking your app or radar. it is going to be perfect. if you didn't get a chance to
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tomorrow. arrangements is increasing. and then, we are talking a temperature tumble. we do have, a couple of showers to the north. rain earlier but now off to the east. you can see what is driving our weather. see that swirl, that is the area of low pressure sitting over us earlier this morning. don't forget the sunscreen. just because the temperatures are cooler doesn't mean you don't need to lather up. let's talk about the rest of the hours. maybe you are waking up, having that first cup of coffee. temperatures feeling like the low to mid 50's.
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diving into the low 50's in the morning. that might make you want to have a little blanket. temperatures warming up nicely. not a lot going on as far as futurecast. good to go rain wise. until monday night and tuesday. the blue line, that is the next cold front. arriving tuesday. plans, what data you need to circle to have your umbrella with you? that would be tuesday. may be wednesday morning. as we take a look at temperatures along the lakefront, feels more like the low 60's. arlington, 51. cool air coming in, rest of this
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54 degrees for the 5:00 hour. 56, 7:00 a.m.. boosting into the low and mid 60's. if you are going to be watching the game, she is going to see that heat and humidity. we are not going to play with the heat and humidity. monday is a great day. weather-wise, can't complain. better chances of showers. of a few rumbles of thunder. wednesday, look at that. here it comes. we are going back. >> when i was walking to lunch,
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thank you, lindsay. coming up and sports, some potential bad news for the packers on the eve of their season opener. anchor: plus, a breakout game from a kenosha native leads the badgers to an easy win in their first game at camp randall stadium. dan needles is in next with big 12 sports. but first, here are tonight's
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>> big 12 sports. anchor: akron, ohio is the birthplace of both lebron james and steph curry. it is not a town known for college football. in other words, the akron zips
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wisconsin was fired up for the home opener, and they rolled right down the field on their opening possession. corey clement taking it for the first of two touchdowns. ran for 111 yards in the first half. broke several tackles. caught from behind. derek tindal stripped the ball away. he was recovered by sojourn shelton of the badgers. and that led to this, bart houston to a wide open jazz peavy over the middle for 6 that was the first touchdown catch as a badger for the former kenosha tremper star. and then he added another in the second quarter. 100 yards receiving for peavy today, as the badgers paste the zips 54-to-10. 12 sports stephen watson has more from madison. stephen: wisconsin has long been
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top-level running backs and offense of lineman. a were out to deserve -- proved wide receivers deserve respect, too. blacks the question is, about wide receivers. when i'm done, i went the snow longer have that. >> we are finding our identity on offense. it was big when they came through. art made some nice throws. we've g better. anchor: a career day, his first and second career touchdown. to go along with his first 100 yard receiving effort in a badgers uniform. >> i learned from a lot of guys before me. finally putting it together. it is a great feeling to finally be here. stephen: they continue to evolve
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anchor: a controversial finish in stillwater. 22nd ranked oklahoma state, leading by 3 with 4 seconds left. on 4th down, their quarterback just heaved the ball out of bounds as time ran out. but wait, the refs awarded central michigan one untimed down. although after the game, the refs admitted they blew that call. given new life, central michigan's cooper rush threw the hail mary to jesse kroll, who lateralled to malik fountain. the old token lateral works. central michigan stuns 22nd ranked oklahoma state 30-to-27. ted thompson's decision to cut josh sitton last saturday earned planety of criticism. imagine the added backfire if david bakhtiari can't play tomorrow. the packers starting left tackle was added to the injury report today as questionable because of a back injury. 12 sports stephanie sutton has a preview from jacksonville. >> many are picking the packers
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but they know better than to overlook this talented jaguars team. >> they have done a good job of continuing to add to the mix. the offensive side, i have gotten to know blake. they've got nice weapons outside as well. we know the type of team we are playing and the challenge is a real one. we have to step up and meet that challenge. >> area tells board. it is going to be a great challenge. also in the running back core, three running backs. it will be great to go against them. reporter: that is lake martinez who will make his first rookie start in week one. from jacksonville, stephanie sutton.
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when keon broxton blasted his 7th home run of the season. chase anderson pitched 5 and two-thirds innings of shutout ball, but the brewers couldn't add to the lead. hernan perez strikes out with the bases loaded. and he was ejected. predictably, the brewers immediately gave up the lead. they went on to win 5-to-1. and finally, back to the badger game. if you saw a 7-foot tall man on wisconsin's sideline, it was none other than bucks first round draft pick thon maker, who has been touring the state as part of the bucks own the future tour. we asked the native of sudan if he had ever been to a college football game before. >> i have been to one. it has been a while. it is great. i'm loving it.
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overwhelmed by how exciting it was. anchor: you can tell he is tall. anchor: couldn't ask for a better game to go to. anchor: we will have a final check of your forecast. >> before you call it a night, learn something new with the wisn 12 news app.
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tv, 30 meg internet and phone.
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anchor: looking for a new business venture? how about owning a diner? the tannersville diner is up for grabs for free. the owners shut it down last year, in the hopes of building a mototcycle dealership on the land. after struggling to find someone to buy it, they just want it gone on one condition, the new owners have to move it out. >> i just think it's a shame to know, maybe somebody, some young couple wants to starts a business and this could be their start. anchor: the current owners say they hope whoever takes it will keep it local. i think you are going to stick with your day job.
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anchor: as you can see, tomorrow and monday look pretty good.
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inside the huddle. this is jordy nelson. we are at the green bay distillery. how you feeling? >> it is great to be back.
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think we are going into our night here. i look forward to week one. >> missed you in the regular season for more than a year. this has got to be special. >> it will be interesting to see how it feels on sunday. it is fun to be back out there and going through pl there is a different energy compared to training camp feels like it is been a while we are
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are a lot of things that have changed it will be a wait and see game >> i would've been appear yw obviously knew the situation i had going into training camp. it took an extra week to prepare if you undrafted guys that made the team.
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summer in a different situation. especially the undrafted guys. it'll be fun to see those guys dreams come true. >> we have to talk about you being healthy and you are not injured anymore. abraham put it past year after year. we have to let everyone know who is on the list. some of these guys are tough. you what's it like to not be on that >> to be off of it where i can go into the stadium and do what i need to do and i don't have to go in early or stay late.
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i can go home. but it takes a toll on your. it takes time away from family and home. >> everything on the offense starting up front with the often sublime. a chance for him to come back and what would that be? obviously he is in a tough situation. i've been in that situation and they are not fun. very annoying over the time to try to get healthy. we want our guys to be healthy across the board and get your
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>> yorty is healthy everybody.
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we are back inside the huddle jordy nelson is here. we are kicking off a new season. what chance to interact with the fans cards >> it is great. see some of those people that clown around a little bit. you might know who that is. a good time to go up there. it is great to hang out with them. >> you were looking dapper, no funny business. >> it is interesting to see what some people do.
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it is interesting to see the young guys, some guys are put in tough situations because they don't know if they're going to make it so they don't bring that many close. it could be interesting. it's interesting to see them dress- up and see what people look like. >> mike mccarthy entered prospect theory is getting started on the season. >> is the great benjamin fran o persistent conquers all things and with that i want to thank you, the fans for your support because you are an energy source that we are able to draw from and the energy and the pride is always in the bricks of lambeau field. >> that is the coach right there. always great to see him up
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>> usually he has a good story to tell. he kept it short. >> a chance to get back during the softball game. what's that like? >> it is one of the more enjoyable events. throughout the nine years it gets us away from football and you see a bunch of us good time and and and& athletic& unathletic and players. and it is time and we raise a lot of money. wife and i have been a part of it for a long time.
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raise very much money. hopefully they enjoy it and come back. >> one of the guys you have a lot of chemistry with, randall. what makes you guys work so well? >> we are opposites. we are two completely different receivers on the field. he can do things i can -- and do. he is quicker and i'm taller. i think we mesh well together. he can work inside which draws traffic and allows me to get inside.
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inside the huddle jordy nelson joining us here. everyone excited for you to be back catching passes are you ready to go? >> absolutely. looking forward to it. of preparing. we will be ready to go. everyone is ready to play some of those things that i get my family that they it is good to be back at it.
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preseason, take us through. >> the tempo. he wants to wear out the defense. he had a big run and some big catches. that's what we are looking for an every drive. some make it look easy and some make it look hard. >> year? you gave him a hard time? >> we did. he is trying to get up to 200. he is getting there. he gained more weight. >> we will see what randall has to say about that. we want to answer some questions from the studio audience. we will start with audrey. she
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to do after football? >> there are a couple. growing up on a farm i want to get my kids back to a farm. might get into some high school coaching if i feel like i want to, but i might be done with the ball and i might coached high school basketball. definitely be outside on the farm. >> next to is from shane. he asked how confident are you that you guys are doing it are very competitive. we have never had this many. it is a lot of guys in one room. the key for all this is [ inaudible ] that's where you separate yourself from a good player to a great player.
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. that is how you build up trust. i think what everyone strives to do. >> there is from jordy nelson. we need to take a quick timeout. here on inside the huddle at
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huddle. a round of applause for bradley demand keeping the music going. another round of applause for jordy nelson. they love you. but i hope so they came to the show. >> a lot of people want the numbers. that brings us to the dairyland seed tracker. we want to show some steps now. we would love your thoughts on these. we have randall pleading and [ inaudible ] >> i think you did a great job. there are a lot of different circumstances. he is the guy that can work the field.
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scott jones not on the roster anymore. >> it is tough because he brought so much to the room. make sure he was prepared and it was interesting. his last two seasons he led the team in receiving so it has to be the first time ever. >> i'm not going to touch it is time transects. -- transects -- transects. ui wildcat and went to kansas state.
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different from the jaguar panthers also have mascots >> bangles and [ inaudible ] >> cincinnati and detroit. >> give a round of applause. who held the record? so we will go back to the fans. one more big round of applause for jordy nelson. we want to know [ inaudible ] >> i don't put goals on yards and touchdowns.
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i don't care. i need another rain. >> another bring in greenbelt. -- green bay -- another bring in ring bay. we will be right back. we asked u.s. cellular customers to show us all the beautiful places they get coverage with our strong signal. you posted from the seashore. you shared from your hike.
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you posted from the farm. and you adventured way out there... a lot of amazing places. ?? u.s. cellular put towers where the other guys don't. so join our network, and start sharing your moments
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welcome back to inside the huddle. give a shout out to bradley keeping the music going. a big round of applause for
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sunday i know everyone in the audience watching is very excited. >> obviously it is a long way. even if it is leading into a big game. you can't get excited too soon or you will burn yourself out. come saturday and sunday i will be ready to go. >> jacksonville and unfamiliar opponent what you know about them? >> we got a kickstart on that. they are similar [ inaudible ] we like what we see and we think we can make the place. >> it is almost more about you
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do and less about them? >> there is a fine line. we need to know what they do and we go from there. come sunday it is about our execution. there are a lot of things we have seen over the years. when we look back on a game it is all about what we have done. if we didn't know we want and if we can we lost. we feel like we are a good enough team and based on >> jordy nelson. this is the first episode of
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this weekend, it's an "entertainment tonight" special. >> you're married now. >> the chocolate is locked up,
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>> the breakups, the makeups. >> you guys like are back together. >> and who still hasn't signed their divorce papers? >> there was so many women out there like i was holding something up. >> from the years biggest divorce battles to the most extravagant i dos. >> we had about 100-plus people there at the wedding. >> plus we're with hollywood's brides to be. >> i just want her to have the wedding of her dreams. >> who is ready to walk down the aisle? >> i tried my dress last night if you must >> and who still has some planning to do? then why is justin timberlake crashing weddings? >> i have another wedding i actually have to make. >> and is this the most expensive ceremony ever? j.lo turns wedding singer, inside the reported billion-dollar i do. now in our 35th season, this is "entertainment tonight." >> thanks for joining us, everyone, as we present an
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don'ts of 2016. let's face it, the phones of some divorce lawyers' offices were ringing a little bit louder than those wedding bells he. >> we're going to break down the couples who didn't work out in a little bit. first let's start with the stars getting set to take the plunge. >> i tried my dress last night if you must know. >> and? >> it looks good. >> you just knew mariah was the kind of bride to me who already has her wedding dress picked out even before she and james packer you know, i don't want to go into the whole thing. >> who were the people that came and brought it? >> i can't say the people. i can't say their names. a fabulous designer house that's amazing. >> there's nothing wrong with being in control according to the editor in chief of bride's magazine, who shared with us what she imagines star brides will wear down the aisle. we took a little liberty cooking up some possible star styles. >> mariah carey is getting married for the third time, this time to a billionaire.
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white since it's her third time. but that rule has really been thrown out the window. brides are doing what they want to do. >> julianne hough and hockey player brooks laich have been engaged for more than a year. it seems like she's not in a rush to say i do. >> now, is your mom that mom, like is she on you about wedding planning? is she like julianne, the dress, what are we doing here? come on. >> not at all. my mom's not. my sisters aren't. they're kind of like, yeah, whatever. n' is because, like, i love so many different things. so i have no idea. >> but maybe she has been sneaking in a little shopping. >> for julianne, we've seen that she likes young dresses, nothing too stuffy. we've heard she shopped at monique lhuillier who definitely epitomizes the young, slash romantic wedding dress designer. there are a lot of options there for her.
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hemsworth were officially engaged. then for a while things were broken up. now they've been spotted a lot together lately and the rumors indicate a wedding may be back on. our senior editor did her best to try to get liam to spill the de details. >> if hypothetically there is a wedding -- >> everyone's happy. >> are we talking destination wedding, summer, winter? >> i don't know. >> i'm not gettingou nothing. >> most important question, are you happy? >> i am. everyone's happy. i'm happy, yeah. >> we think miley is a risk taker, but she's also a southern girl. so who knows what she could possibly choose? >> she likes to wear the unexpected. she's not afraid to push the boundaries and really have fun with fashion. >> and blac chyna and rob kardashian are both expecting a baby and launching their new e! reality show. some think they will wait for the wedding until after she
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wedding like rob's sisters did? >> we are thinking about having a wedding special, so stay tuned. >> where are you at with the wedding preparations? >> we're doing one thing at a time. >> i'm sure she wants to show off her curves with a form-fitting wedding dress. probably on the sexier side. >> televising weddings and selling the pictures to magazines helps defray some of the costs which for some celebrities can cost into the millions. these days, just the flower budget of thousands of dollars. >> when it comes to florals, we are seeing it's all about more is more in hollywood. sofia vergara had the most amazing over the top flowers, and they're really on trend for what all celebrities are looking to do right now. >> so now you know who is set to walk down the aisle. but let's break down who paved the way for them this year. >> how about one of the biggest stars in the comedy world? i'm talking about kevin hart now. initially he told us that he'd
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>> like that ever really works and it didn't in this case because we're thinking it was more like a blank check because no expense was spared last night. >> it was extravagant, super romantic, and we have every detail. >> can i ask you one question? what's your last name? >> hart, honey. h-a-r-t. ? >> from their wedding band to her custom gowns, kevin hart's wedding to his wife was elegant and picture perfect. the bride wore vera wang. she changed into another vera wang creation for the reception. and at the screening of his film, what now, he spilled the de e.t. s. >> i noticed that bling on your finger. you're married now. >> yep. the chocolate is locked up, ladies. yeah, i'm a married man, but i'm with my family and i'm still
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somet -- wedding? i remember the picture of you on the ground. >> i woke up in the morning with grass stains on my shirt. until this day, they say i passed out. some people said i jumped in the pool for no reason at all. it got bad. it was my wedding. don't judge me. >> the august 13th ceremony took place at this estate in montecito, california, kevin and his new bride shared the spotlight with his children from a prior marriage. his 8-year-old son was also the best man. >> hanging out with my best man. give it up, dude. >> hey. my best friend. my best man. ? >> alicia keys performed unbek unbeknownst to the bride beforehand. and after the ceremony, guests learned there was a carnival set up. >> kevin was the life of the party. >> we spoke to producer will packer, he's produced six of kevin's movies and attended the nuptials. kevin was candid about his last morning of single dom and his-wedding prep.


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